Our Story

Golden was founded in 2020, somewhere in South Dakota, during a 28hr white-knuckle road trip.

We’ve come a long way from our post-punk-skunk lewks of the early aughts. Today, we strive to curate your personal style with a mindfulness of eco-responsible haircare practices, and a focus on highlighting your hair’s natural beauty.

I cannot help it, I cry every time I put on a bride’s veil.

— KayLyn Havranek, Founder/Stylist

Natural is best.


We are dedicated to ensuring that our customers hair is healthy by sourcing the most responsible products. We are a Certified Green Circle Salon.

You’ve got it goin’ on.


It’s a radical notion. There’s nothing wrong with the hair you were given. We celebrate the best of what you were born with. That being said, not feelin’ it? We’re here to help you do you.

Let’s get started.